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Posted on Tuesday 07th November 2023 | Lesley Thomas

Getting fit for the slopes

As the ski season approaches, it’s a great time to start thinking about increasing your fitness so you can really make the most of the slopes in 2023/24. We’ve got some top tips on the exercises you can start doing now to make sure you’re fighting fit by the time you take to the slopes.


 Cardiovascular exercise is a great base for your training - and it’s good for you in every way. You can aim for 30 minutes of exercise three times a week that gets your heart rate up to make sure your heart and lungs are ready for the ski season.

The most important thing when it comes to cardio is doing something you enjoy - because then it’s much easier to maintain. If running, cycling or high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts don’t float your boat, find something that does. Vinyasa flow yoga can get you sweating, or try Zumba, spin classes or dance workouts on YouTube.


As well as getting your cardiovascular system in tip-top condition, it’s a good idea to strengthen your muscles with some resistance training ahead of the ski season too, if you’re planning to put in some serious time on the slopes.

Building your strength will help with control and balance on the slopes - and you should find you have fewer aches and pains too. British skiier Kirsty Muir suggests a routine of squats, squat jumps, wall squats, lunges and planking to get all the important muscles in on the action. The good news is that these are all exercises you can easily do at home without equipment - but if you want to take it up a notch, a term of pilates classes or a few sessions with a personal trainer won’t do any harm.

If you’re a serious skier, consider investing in a property in the Alps. Not only will you have unfettered access to some of the best skiing in the world, but you could find it’s a good investment too, earning an income when it’s not in use. If you want to learn more about investing in property in the Alps, get in touch today with our knowledgeable team at Alpine Property Investments.









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